Course curriculum

    1. Welcome & Week 1 Overview

    2. Getting Started

    1. Day 2: Stages of Intuitive Eating

    2. Day 3: Principles of Intuitive Eating

    3. Day 4: Principles of Intuitive Eating

    4. Day 5: Principles of Intuitive Eating

    5. Day 6: Principles of Intuitive Eating

    6. Day 7: Finishing Up the Principles & Week 1 Checklist

    1. Day 8: Reject the Diet Mentality

    2. Day 9: Reject the Diet Mentality

    3. Day 10: Reject the Diet Mentality

    4. Day 10: Reject the Diet Mentality Wrap Up

    5. Day 11: Honor Your Hunger

    6. Day 12: Honor Your Hunger

    7. Day 12: Honor Your Hunger Wrap Up

    8. Day 13: Make Peace With Food

    9. Day 14: Make Peace With Food + Week 2 Checklist

    10. Day 14: Make Peace With Food Wrap Up

    1. Day 15: Challenge The Food Police

    2. Day 16: Challenge The Food Police

    3. Day 16: Challenge The Food Police Wrap Up

    4. Day 17: Feel Your Fullness

    5. Day 18: Feel Your Fullness

    6. Day 18: Feel Your Fullness Wrap Up

    7. Day 19: Discover The Satisfaction Factor

    8. Day 20: Discover The Satisfaction Factor

    9. Day 20: Discover The Satisfaction Factor Wrap Up

    10. Day 21: Emotions & Food + Week 3 Checklist

    11. Emotions & Food Wrap Up

    1. Day 22: Respect Your Body

    2. Day 22: Respect Your Body Wrap Up

    3. Day 23: Movement--Feel The Difference

    4. Day 24: Movement--Feel The Difference

    5. Day 24: Movement--Feel The Difference Wrap Up

    6. Day 25: Gentle Nutrition

    7. Day 26: Gentle Nutrition

    8. Day 26: Gentle Nutrition Wrap Up

    9. Day 27: Intuitive Eating FAQs

    10. Day 28: Resources

    11. Day 28: Wrapping Up & Next Steps

About this course

  • $299.00
  • 40 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

How do I know if this course is right for me?

The course includes daily support in the form of video modules, lessons, and journal prompts--all with the intention of helping you bring back the intuitive eater that you once were

  • You're tired of bouncing from diet to diet and want to just eat in a way that feels easy and sustainable

  • You end up on the couch with a bunch of snacks every night and know that something has to be off with your nutrition

  • You're ready to focus on how you feel vs what the scale says

Meet Your Instructor

Kayla Fitzgerald

Registered Dietitian

Hi! I'm Kayla Fitzgerald and I'm a Registered Dietitian, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and Runner. I started my coaching business Endurance Nutrition in 2022 when I got more into running myself and saw how so many runners were using the "less is more" philosophy when it comes to fueling up. I've been there and I've seen first hand how that usually works....until it doesn't. My goal with these resources is to give you the tools you need to learn how to fuel up like the runner you are. It doesn't matter if you are getting after your first 5k or running 100 milers. The earlier you can prioritize your nutrition as much as you prioritize training--the better you are going to feel and the more you're going to love running. You can and should be crush your workouts AND have the energy you need to live your life and these resources can help you do that! If you have any questions please feel free to reach out at: [email protected]

Here's what people have said...

“When I first got started with intuitive eating, I just assumed it would be, well, intuitive, but it doesn’t always feel easy. In a world where I feel inundated with diet culture everyday, having a qualified professional to guide me helps me feel more confident I am still making decisions in the best interest of my health.”

Jessica H

“Thank you for all you've done to help me and my relationship with food and body image. You've really helped me gain a new, more productive and healthier perspective”

Melissa S